Solved! Keyboard non functional after spill

Jul 18, 2019
So uh I did something pretty dumb. 2 days ago I spilled a little bit of water on my laptop, on a few of the keys . I panicked and used my blanket (as it was right next to me) to wipe it off (somehow I thought wiping the water across the whole keyboard would make it better) and then I closed it and went to sleep. Next day at around 4pm turned it on all of the keys were not working, and everytime I go to a page / adjust a setting it automatically goes to the bottom of the page / puts the setting up eg volume 100. Laptop is still usable but is there anything I can do to help save my keyboard or should I look to get it fixed?? Any answered would be much appreciated.
When you get water or any liquid on a device you should turn it off, open it up and let it dry out. The more liquid the longer it needs to dry. It sounds like there is likely still liquid inside, which could cause a lot more damage if you use while it is wet.

Take out the battery, remove the charger, and let it sit open (so air can get inside) to dry for at least 24 hours. Then try again.
When you get water or any liquid on a device you should turn it off, open it up and let it dry out. The more liquid the longer it needs to dry. It sounds like there is likely still liquid inside, which could cause a lot more damage if you use while it is wet.

Take out the battery, remove the charger, and let it sit open (so air can get inside) to dry for at least 24 hours. Then try again.