Lag while gaming (without internet)


Apr 26, 2013
My laptop keep lagging when i play PES laptop running windows 7 ult 64bit..6gig hd graphic always used cooler but it keep lag when gaming..and the CPU fan keep make noise..
please GUIDE me!!..
You don't have a discrete GFX card .... it would appear the HD2000 is cutting it.

Minimum System Requirements for PES 2013
Graphic Card : Nvidia Geforce 6300 or ATI Radeon x1200 or Intel HD graphics 3000

recommended System Requirements
NVidia GeForce 7900, ATI Radeon HD2600

Firstly, when you play games on any computer, no matter how good the computer is. the CPU/GPU will get hot and fans will make some noise.

Second, your laptop has an Intel HD 2000. That's not a very good GPU (graphics card) to be playing games with. If you can, try lowering the graphics settings in the game to the lowest setting. If that doesn't help then your computer isn't good enough to play that game.
You don't have a discrete GFX card .... it would appear the HD2000 is cutting it.

Minimum System Requirements for PES 2013
Graphic Card : Nvidia Geforce 6300 or ATI Radeon x1200 or Intel HD graphics 3000

recommended System Requirements
NVidia GeForce 7900, ATI Radeon HD2600

Yep - you're below the minimum requirements, you're lucky the game even boots up.