Lanchiya MK30 Hybrid Vacuum Tube Speaker System

Jan 24, 2019

Um....i'm a newbie and want to know what is Hybrid Vacuum Tube Speaker System. Is it better than Bluetooth speaker? And did anyone knows the Lanchiya? (I found it in CES but no product reviews,
is it a good audio brand?).

Actually, my email got a promotion about Lanchiya Vacuum Tube Speaker, it looks so cool!


Have any advices? :bounce:

Many thanks!


The email what I got said, the promotion price USD$199 with 5% discount and free international shipping (ship from Hong Kong).
Well they seem to have been in business for a few years and surely there's been web reviews.

Just be aware tubes burn out, like incandescent bulbs and u can't just pop into Best Buys for another pair.

I like it that is 360 dispersion ambience speaker, wonder it they can be taken out of their cradle, probably not.

About the Lanchiya MK30 product reviews, I found nothing by Internet. It seems like a new product. Maybe i should order the black one and write down the review. XD

Roger that. I was thinking more about the reputation of the company. They do have other older hybrid speakers. If they been putting junks in the past then u know.