I got a laptop second-hand a week ago. After calibrating the battery, all seemed well. Health and capacity were good. And now, having decided to check the battery after regular use, I see this horrid thing:
I don't understand what happened. I've never left it plugged in after 100% charge for more than an hour at most, which I've heard causes the most harm to the battery. Is what I am seeing normal? Can it be an adapter issue? The charger I am using is the original one, but I've to use an american-eu adapter to use it. The couple days there was no decay were when I used an unoriginal adapter, but one that had a eu plug.
How can the decay be slowed down, or can nothing be done? I need this laptop to be portable, meaning having a good battery, and cannot afford a new one.
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
I don't understand what happened. I've never left it plugged in after 100% charge for more than an hour at most, which I've heard causes the most harm to the battery. Is what I am seeing normal? Can it be an adapter issue? The charger I am using is the original one, but I've to use an american-eu adapter to use it. The couple days there was no decay were when I used an unoriginal adapter, but one that had a eu plug.
How can the decay be slowed down, or can nothing be done? I need this laptop to be portable, meaning having a good battery, and cannot afford a new one.
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.