Laptop charges battery only after reboot


Dec 5, 2015
Hello :),

My laptop (Lenovo Z510) does not charge the battery when the AC is connected. Even worse, with the AC connected, the battery discharges just as using it without being plugged. If I do a windows reboot, everything seems to work fine. But, when I unplug and plug back the AC cord, the problem starts again. I've tried Linux also, but the same thing happens 🙁

This problem started after I tried to use an older adapter, and accidentally connected the + of the AC adapter to the middle pin on the laptop AC jack (which, from what I've read, is the Signal PIN). When I did this, the laptop suddenly stopped and was completely dead (not able to power on, no LED-light, nothing). I had to remove the battery and connect it back for it to work. It started, but with the problem mentioned above.

I suspect the problem is a fuse or a transistor on the motherboard, but without a schematic it's pretty hard to find.

Could you please give me some advice on how to fix this?
Thank you very much! :)
Try a different battery. If that does not work, you may need a new motherboard. Doing a repair on the motherboard that is more than just replacing the power jack would cost a lot more than just a new motherboard would. It's not like fixing a 1980 TV where there are huge parts that just plug into a board, just about everything on a laptop motherboard is very small and can be connected through different layers of the board.
Try a different battery. If that does not work, you may need a new motherboard. Doing a repair on the motherboard that is more than just replacing the power jack would cost a lot more than just a new motherboard would. It's not like fixing a 1980 TV where there are huge parts that just plug into a board, just about everything on a laptop motherboard is very small and can be connected through different layers of the board.
If it would be a simple fuse, it could easily be repaired much cheaper and faster than waiting for a replacement. Do you know where I could find the schematic for the mb?

Thank you!