Laptop fan not working??

Hannah Obar

May 18, 2014
Inspiron i5555

So, I should start with last night. I put my laptop on sleep, forgot I did and fell asleep. (I never keep it on, even on sleep.)

Today I was playing The Sims 3, maybe for 10 minutes at MOST. For the past couple days my fan was on high speed, even on idle and watching Netflix. My temps wasn't high so I didn't think anything of it. I started playing blade and soul after the sims 3, but the lag was unbearable. (Fps lag) I have my settings on low.

I then went to play league of legends I got into game and noticed my fan stopped, I didn't think anything of it until I placed my hand under my laptop and accidentally burned myself. It went to 90 degrees celcius, which it rarely ever does. I turned my laptop off and a couple hours later turned it back on.

My fan still did not come on, I started blade and soul to see if I could push it to start. But instead it went to 200 degrees Fahrenheit! At this point I shut my computer down to avoid further damage. I kept my ear to the laptop and I heard buzzing, so one fan is still active, but no air is coming out from the vents.

What should I do?
Normaly, during the POST the fan is also checked if any problems detected, you should get some error. Most of the fans have sensors (hall effect sensor) that the system is using to regulate the rpm and if it can not read data from it, again you will receive error or the system will not turn on/shut down.
You could install the SpeedFan and check if the fan is working or not.
The buzzing may not be a fan. It's likely the circuits related to power delivery to the CPU. As long as it's not like a loud electrical arcing sound, it's normal.

The fan not turning is not normal. Is the laptop under warranty?
Normaly, during the POST the fan is also checked if any problems detected, you should get some error. Most of the fans have sensors (hall effect sensor) that the system is using to regulate the rpm and if it can not read data from it, again you will receive error or the system will not turn on/shut down.
You could install the SpeedFan and check if the fan is working or not.