Solved! Laptop For A Computer Science Major



I need a not so expensive, reliable laptop for a college student who's mayor is going to be computer science. Which one is the best?
Concern Mother
I need a not so expensive, reliable laptop for a college student who's mayor is going to be computer science. Which one is the best?
Concern Mother

Hi there,

Do you know if you will be doing advanced programming? I recommend you check out what kind of classes he is taking and what they require. A great all-around laptop is the Sony Vaio EB series. It has a fast processor, 4 GB of RAM, and 500 GB of hard drive space. You can also upgrade to dedicated graphics if his classes would require it. It is also a very affordable choice.

What do you think?

MSFT Windows Outreach Team
I need a not so expensive, reliable laptop for a college student who's mayor is going to be computer science. Which one is the best?
Concern Mother

Hi there,

Do you know if you will be doing advanced programming? I recommend you check out what kind of classes he is taking and what they require. A great all-around laptop is the Sony Vaio EB series. It has a fast processor, 4 GB of RAM, and 500 GB of hard drive space. You can also upgrade to dedicated graphics if his classes would require it. It is also a very affordable choice.

What do you think?

MSFT Windows Outreach Team