Laptop for programming and occasionally gaming

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Dec 15, 2012
1. <$1000

2. ~12-14" sounds good

3. Higher the better

4. Portable

5. Don't matter. Will be carrying the adapter

6. Mainly Guild Wars 2 and Starcraft 2. Don't need to be on max settings, medium is good.

7. Mobile game/graphic programming

8. Doesn't matter. I have external

10. Years

11. None

12. Never bought a laptop so no experience in laptop brands

13. USA

14. Please tell us any additional information if needed.
Try browsing around the Best Buy Employee auctions. Your requirements are met by almost any laptop that has a graphics card. To join the private auctions just follow the instructions below. There's a lot of good cheap stuff on there.

1. Go to BestBuy Private Auctions.

2. Click "Register Now".

3. Near the bottom, you will see an "OPTION 3 - For Best Buy employees without a Best Buy email address".

4. Enter your email, and where it says BestBuy Employee Number, do this. Just switch around numbers from this code: AXXXXXX. In the places where there are X’s, fill in random numbers. Ex. A002471, A215312, A298791, etc.

5. Now you are a member.


May 7, 2012
Try browsing around the Best Buy Employee auctions. Your requirements are met by almost any laptop that has a graphics card. To join the private auctions just follow the instructions below. There's a lot of good cheap stuff on there.

1. Go to BestBuy Private Auctions.

2. Click "Register Now".

3. Near the bottom, you will see an "OPTION 3 - For Best Buy employees without a Best Buy email address".

4. Enter your email, and where it says BestBuy Employee Number, do this. Just switch around numbers from this code: AXXXXXX. In the places where there are X’s, fill in random numbers. Ex. A002471, A215312, A298791, etc.

5. Now you are a member.
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