Question Laptop Has Empty Screen.

Jul 5, 2019
I have two Lenovo thinkpads and the other one I had pretty much had a bit of a black-screen meltdown earlier for some odd reason, I wasn't doing anything 'dodgy' to it or with it, I was just checking my messages on Deviantart when it suddenly came up with a black screen. I restarted it and pressed the power button to turn it back on again but the black screen popped up, there wasn't a cursor or anything on it. I couldn't turn my computer back on. And I don't understand why this happened. I had my computer updated yesterday and that worked what is wrong with it this time?
You say it won't turn on, but is it totally not turning on, as in no signs of life at all, or just nothing on the display?

I think it may either be not turning on at all or nothing comes up on the display, or possibly it might be due to possibly overloading my PC. I'm not entirely sure which one.