Laptop only turn on battery, not turn on AC adapter


Sep 29, 2013
My Thinkpad T60 is acting strangely.
It will boot and work normally on battery only.
With AC is plugged on (with or without battery), I still see AC light but as soon as I press Power button, power light go off and nothing else happen.
Plus, if I plug in AC when the laptop is already working on battery, the laptop keep working ok.
AC adapter is fine (got from another working laptop) and I don't want to do this strange way all the time.
"AC adapter is fine (got from another working laptop)"

That is your answer right there. It is not made for the laptop you are using it with. It is probably not givng the system enough power.

I mean, the AC adapter got from another identical T60 Thinkpad. I also removed all peripheral devices such as wifi card, modem, HDD, DVD