Hello, first of all I would like to thank everyone that takes the time to answer here, since it's my first post. I have an overheating problem with my laptop, which I own about 4 years. It started last summer, when I noticed a general performance drop and my palm getting hotter than usual. I checked the temps and where over the ones I normally got, ~45-65c while playing games like BF4. Now It can't even handle lighter games without the temperature reaching 90 or maybe 95c from what i checked today. Couple months ago I disassembled it to blow the dust out, and reapplied thermal paste (ArcticSilver 5) without any signs of improvement. I also have it sittingt on an always ON, cooling pad.
Toshiba L870-17m
CPU: Intel i5-3230m
GPU: AMD Radeon HD 7670M
HardDrive: Toshiba 700Gb
Toshiba L870-17m
CPU: Intel i5-3230m
GPU: AMD Radeon HD 7670M
HardDrive: Toshiba 700Gb