Laptop problems toshiba

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Jan 3, 2017
My toshiba satellite power button keeps flashing white and won't power up this is the only show of life. I can't access the battery without unscrewing the back how do i fix this?
Try the following and see if it will turn on.

1. First make sure the device has been charged.
2. Unplug your charger cord.
3. Remove the battery.
4. Press and hold the "Power" button for 30 seconds and see if the device will turn on.
5. If it does, great, if not yet, no big deal. Now plug back in the power/charger cord. (If it didn't turn on without the cord in, it should turn on once you it is in. Yes sometimes they will turn on, or try to turn on, even with nothing attached/plugged in.)
6. Now put the battery back in.

If this doesn't help, then test the power cord to see if it is good. Either try your cord in another device, or try another devices cord in your laptop.

Should that not be the problem, then check the battery to see if...
Try the following and see if it will turn on.

1. First make sure the device has been charged.
2. Unplug your charger cord.
3. Remove the battery.
4. Press and hold the "Power" button for 30 seconds and see if the device will turn on.
5. If it does, great, if not yet, no big deal. Now plug back in the power/charger cord. (If it didn't turn on without the cord in, it should turn on once you it is in. Yes sometimes they will turn on, or try to turn on, even with nothing attached/plugged in.)
6. Now put the battery back in.

If this doesn't help, then test the power cord to see if it is good. Either try your cord in another device, or try another devices cord in your laptop.

Should that not be the problem, then check the battery to see if it needs replacing.


"I can't access the battery without unscrewing the back..."



Oct 16, 2017
I wish i could tell you this, but if you start to unscrew the back of the laptop, especially if its sealed off for a reason, you might have all of your data wiped clean. so, just be careful.


Oct 16, 2017

Some new satellite laptops have it made so you can't access the battery without opening up the laptop, and if you do, it wipes the data.
Again, just opening it won't wipe data. It could dislodge the drive, making you need to resolve that before you can access it. However, it won't wipe a drive. There are only certain ways to wipe a drive and opening the device isn't one of them. Now if you opened the drive itself, that would do damage to the data.
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