Solved! Laptop recommendation for programming?

Oct 31, 2018
Hi all,

I am planning to teach myself web development and I will be starting a masters degree which would include some java and python programming (as per module descriptions). I believe there will be no graphics intensive tasks I would need to do.
Hence, I am considering buying a mid-range laptop (according to my budget) with no dedicated card. I am torn between those two:

I like Acer as it's light, smaller and will have better battery but Dell has the newest i5 processor? Do you think there will be a big difference i5-8250U (acer) vs i5-8265U (dell)? Would you agree these laptops are OK for my needs?

In addition, if I need to run something like Photoshop in the future, would the internal Intel GPU on these laptops be sufficient?

Thank you in advance!
I don't think you will notice much of a difference between the processors; they are both 8th gen U series, which are plenty powerful for most casual users.
Yes, the integrated graphics will be "sufficient" for photoshop, since it is not extremely graphics intensive (it could easily bottleneck at the RAM, though).
I don't think you will notice much of a difference between the processors; they are both 8th gen U series, which are plenty powerful for most casual users.
Yes, the integrated graphics will be "sufficient" for photoshop, since it is not extremely graphics intensive (it could easily bottleneck at the RAM, though).