Laptop screen black but the backlight is on and the system running

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May 13, 2014
Heelo there im new and didnt have deep knowledge of laptop, my english sounded a bit rusty sorry for that
I have an asus n56

So heres my problem
The screen is not working but i can see the backlight(the light for display inside the screen) is on, and the system is running(the speaker keyboard notepad), and when i connect it to another display, it works. But still the laptop screen is black.
I have tried some kind of fix, like :
1. the 30-60 second hold the power button
2. Checking the memory(although i know this is pointless)

I think i have a clue why my laptop become like that, maybe its because i cleaned the whole laptop using wet tissue, and an hour before i cleaned it, the screen still works. Im cleaning it when the laptop is shutted down. And i have done this many times, 3 times a week at least(my laptop always get dirty)

Anyone please help, im in dire need of the laptop n im kind of broke this week
Hi there,
I met quite some Laptops with broken graphics ! The way I solve this is to remove the motherboard from the laptop (yes indeed: allot of skrews and cable-connections to remove). Next I check the motherboard for the graphics card/chip.

If it is a separate card you could remove all removable components (heatsink, fan, meltable plastics and batteries), put only the board in the oven on about 180°C (for about 7 to 8 minutes) and let it cool down slowly in closed oven. (Most Tin melts between 180 and 220°C).
(by the way: this is not a joke and also if the videocard is separate from the motherboard then it's enough to open some doors to get to it instead of removing the motherboard)

If the videochip is onboard (on the motherboard) then you need to cover all components except the videochip with aluminium-tape (the tape they use for insulating the roof or the attick).

Once everything covered you place a ptc-component (probe to measure temperature, my universal volt-meter has a temperature possibility) exactly under the videochip (on the other side of the motherboard or somewhere very close) and be sure it "always" touches the board.
Then you heat it slowly with a heatgun, about 1° per second, until you reach around 190°C keep it around 190°C for a few minutes and let it cool down slowly (still with the heatgun but further away from the chip) until you reach 50°C again then let it cool down alone (no further waste of electricity).

Then remove everything that is not originally from the laptop and reassemble the whole thing.
Half way you can test if the PC boots with video or not.

If not try to repeat the whole procedure or throw it away !

If video is OK, just reassemble it completely and thank me for it ;-)

I repaired around 20 computers and parts with this procedure. Just few didn't work !

I managed to repaire a friends computer (HP DV9000) which apparently they all have this video issue !
My friend was very happy to recover all of his data still intact.

Let me know if you need more help but be carefull it's AT YOUR OWN RISK !

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