Should NOT be a househould wiring problem.
US Wiring: One pin is Hot, One pin is Nuetral (common), and thrid pin (Round) is AC ground.
Hot is self explainatory, Has the 115 VAC (RMS).
Ground. Is tied to earth ground At the Home, ie tied to water pipe, or a seperate grounding rod.
Nuetral, or common. Is also tied to earth ground at some point.
When you look at a computer, You will find that both the "earth" Ground and the Muetral (common) are both tied to Chassie ground. If you reversed the Two pins at the outlet (wall plate) and plugged the computer PSU in, you would blow a House fuse. This is also true for may applianaces.
In the case of a laptop using a Power adaptor (brick), Three types - AC input. Two prong nonpolorized, two prong Polarized, and three prong. In all three cases the AC ground nor the AC nuetral are connected to the DC output (return side). Nor is the AC Ground and Common tied togeter internally in the adaptor. Therefore laptops are NOT grounded.
The adaptors contain no metal (conductive) outside casing, so no shock hazard.
The AC input is fed to a Transformer which steps the AC input down. This transformer also provides isolation so that the AC output is totally isolated from the AC input.
The output is (normally) around 19 VDC and not considered a Safty hazard.
Then comes the question of dischage to, or from, the laptop to an individual. this is normally a result of a Charge buildup on the individual -ESD, But does not have to be an individual. Example one individual ZAPPED a HDD by sitting it on a Glass plate, The glass plate had a charge buildup due to are flow espeacially if Relative Humidity is LOW (<30%).
Assumming this charge is before the AC adaptor is even plugged into the AC, then it depends on where the charge is building up, If it's on him, then discharging himself before picking up the laptop would solve the problem. If table then possibly sitting it on a conductive surface would be better.
If it only occures with the AC adaptor plugged in then I would guess a defective AC adaptor, with a short between the AC hot and the neg (common) output pin on the adaptor, But then that might tend to fry the laptop.