Laptop typing incorrect symbols???


Jun 3, 2017
Im not exactly sure what happened, but some of the keys that I need to type proper grammar are changing into different symbols... For example, I cant do a question mark or slash, it turns into: É or é

The apostrophe key also turns into è, and I dont know why.

Other keys that have been altered are:

" : shift + . key
' : shift + , key
ç : closing bracket key
^^ : opening bracket key
à : opposite slash key
? : shift + 6 key

There may be more, but these are the ones I have found. Sometimes after a comma, the keyboard will also put 2 spaces at a time, which I dont know if thats part of the keyboard error too or what.

I havent tried restarting yet because I dont want to restart my computer at the moment, I have some important tabs open that will be lost if restarted. If this is fixable without a restart, help would be greatly appreciated!


Nov 18, 2017
hey bro i had this problem just now and i fixed it by pressing (alt+shift)
my "?" key would make a "_" and lots of other symbol keys were wrong, try pressing (alt+shift) and then making the symbols and see if it works