Question Laptop Wifi slow only on one connection

Jun 27, 2019
weird one...
Been connecting acer laptop to my Samsung S8 mobile hotspot for 6 months, no problems.
Suddenly speeds have dropped to almost 0 (hard to run speedtest, keeps failing).

Tried to narrow down problem:

Another laptop also tethered via wifi to the S8 gets 50Mb (so its not phone or network)
Using that laptop as a 2nd hotpsot and bouncing signal through gives me 15Mb on the Acer

Tethering Acer via usb wire give me 50Mb

Connecting to home wifi gives me 40Mb

So basically its just really not happy with this one wifi signal and I cannot work out why. Drivers are all up to date, network setting look fine(its picking up a IP and DNS). Weird it's just happened out of the blue. Any more ideas of what to try?

Hey helpstr,

Tried that. In the end I thought it was time for a fresh install anyway so wiped and reinstalled. And unbelievably it's still doing it! So frustrating!

Any other wifi gives me 20M+
Tethering via USB to phone gives me 20M
Phone wifi to other laptops gives 20+

But phone to this laptop gives 0.05M

Just cannot get my head round how all of the above can be correct (they are)