Solved! Laptop With Broken screen and keyboard, how do I connect it to a external monitor?

Nov 18, 2021
Hi, I was trying to take an old laptop with the screen cracked (it still worked) and a broken keyboard, and transform it into a desktop PC, I made the case and everything, yesterday I was finally installing windows on the PC, I uninstalled the cracked monitor and when I reinstalled it later I heard a pop (like a spark) and the display wouldn't turn on. The PC still works, but when I connect it to an external monitor even with the display plugged off it doesn't work. My laptop is HP so I've tried using FN + F4, also tried closing the cracked display, nothing really works. I give up, would like some help because i spent 60$ on this PC and I don't want to lose it... Thanks!
You need to make sure to follow the precautions when opening up a computer.

That pop is a very large indicator of a fried computer. Unfortunately, I don't think there is much to be done. What did you spend $60 on? They may be transferable to a new laptop (An SSD, for example).

Why did you reinstall the cracked monitor if you aren't going to use it anyway? Try it with the cracked monitor disconnected. Not that I think it'll change anything, but worth a shot.

You may have only fried a certain component and, if you're lucky, that component may not be the motherboard. Test it without anything connected to the motherboard except for the plug, the external keyboard, and the screen. Work your way up to a rebuilt laptop- Add the RAM...
You need to make sure to follow the precautions when opening up a computer.

That pop is a very large indicator of a fried computer. Unfortunately, I don't think there is much to be done. What did you spend $60 on? They may be transferable to a new laptop (An SSD, for example).

Why did you reinstall the cracked monitor if you aren't going to use it anyway? Try it with the cracked monitor disconnected. Not that I think it'll change anything, but worth a shot.

You may have only fried a certain component and, if you're lucky, that component may not be the motherboard. Test it without anything connected to the motherboard except for the plug, the external keyboard, and the screen. Work your way up to a rebuilt laptop- Add the RAM, test it. Add the hard drive, test it. Add the internal touchpad, test it. Etc.