Laptop work without adapter


Mar 26, 2017
Hello dear forum members!
I have a fujitsu laptop and i wanted to make it to work without battery( because it's can't work only from adapter) I ordered a 12v regulator and i solder it to the ac pins where the adapter attached than solder a diode ( to not let the power reverse to the adapter and destroy it) and solder the regulator output pin to battery socket's positive pin on the motherboard. I calculated it the battery gives 12 v and laptop needs 2, 2.5 amper for the higher power needed components, my regulator let 3 amper and convert 20v to 12v and the diode let the power only one way ,so i think i've cheated the laptop.Is it a working method to make my laptop work from adapter?
Question from Endruw : "Work laptop without adapter"

Hello dear forum members!
I have a fujitsu laptop and i wanted to make it to work without battery( because it's can't work only from adapter) I ordered a 12v regulator and i solder it to the ac pins where the adapter attached than solder a diode ( to not let the power reverse to the adapter and destroy it) and solder the regulator output pin to battery socket's positive pin on the motherboard. I calculated it the battery gives 12 v and laptop needs 2, 2.5 amper for the higher power needed components, my regulator let 3 amper and convert 20v to 12v and the diode let the power only one way ,so i think i've cheated the laptop.Is it a working method to make my laptop work from adapter?