Question Laptop's output voltage is less


Dec 15, 2013
Please keep it to 1 thread
My laptop is not charging(pluged in not charging). Everything is ok. Output voltage of charger is over 15 volts, when checked at the socket, which means charger is ok. But at the laptop's pin, which connects the battery, voltage is 10 volts. Batteries are ok with a total out put of over 12 volts. I am not a technical man but, I think, if laptop's output is less than 12 volts, it cannot charge a 12 volt battery. Can any one find a solution? Laptop is TOSHIBA, Satellite M100
My laptop is not charging (plugged in not charging). Everything is ok. Output voltage of charger is over 15 volts, when checked at the socket, which means charger is ok. But at the laptop's pin (which connects the battery), voltage is 10 volts. Batteries are ok with a total output of over 12 volts. I am not a technical man but, I think, if laptop's output is less than 12 volts, it cannot charge a 12-volt battery. Laptop is TOSHIBA, Satellite M100. All the solution tips have been tried, only after that, I checked the batteries and voltage output of the laptop. Can anyone find a solution?
what happened? There is no one with a solution? I understand, fault is some where in between the power socket (female attached to the laptop) and the pin meant to be connected to the battery (that is, output of the laptop). But I have never opened the back cover. If I open, I am sure to find the fault.