zenrunner92 :
really? do you remember the model numbers?
btw, I think your $600 budget for a dual-bay laptop is highly unrealistic unless buying refurbished. From what I've seen the dual bay feature is present mainly in the $900-1600 range.
as far as the budget, maybe thats why you didnt also know about the all the other brands and models that have dual bays because you havnt done the research that i have (just goofin). the acers (new) can easily be found in that range. go to acers website, find one with dual bays, then shop for it elsewhere.
and refurbs i can find dual bay LTs in the $500 range. even newegg has that, and then you can even purchase an extended warranty on a refurb and you essentially have nice new warranted dual bay laptop. and the warranties a very reasonably priced.
I bought a new hp that i found on dealigg for $720, with dual hard drive bays. i had to buy the extra bay kit, $26 on ebay, install my ssd and hdd that i already had, and it is kickn booty. the new BeatsAudio on the HPs dv7 series is incredible. the best sounding laptop i ever heard. first time i have had complaints from a neighbor because of a laptop, lol !!!!!!!! but i agree with about hp, not my first choice, but thats where my budget landed me. i prefer asus, darn !
on the serious side, if you google what you are looking for, you will find it. it took me awhile, but where i finally got the best help was from places that sell hard drive bay kits and such. the premium sellers on ebay know all the models with dual bays and the guys that helped me the most: newmodeus ., i emailed them and heard back the next day.
on a side note : you will get plenty of people who say the only way to do it is to install in a hdd carrier in the optical bay. dont listen to them. they will talk till their blue in the face. i have been using dual bay laptops with the optical drive intact for over 8 years now. and they get a little miffed when i tell them that.
good luck !!!