Lego Boost Review: The Best Robot Kit for Kids

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You mention that the Hub acts as the Central Processing Unit, receiving your code over Bluetooth. However, IMHO, it's the tablet really that is the engine, not the Hub. The Hub merely gets the inputs from the tablet to move a motor, light a LED, or read a sensor. Unlike Mindstorms, the Hub is not autonomous and you always need the app to have the models do anything at all. That's why it's significantly cheaper than Mindstorms.
Great review. Your review helped me make the decision to purchase the set. I had so much fun building and coding. pushing 70 and not very techno savvy I was concerned about this coding thing. I built Vernie...after a few changes "he is now a she". A mini me. I bonded so much with the robot I bought a 2nd Boost set as I wanted to continue building the other models. My plan is to work thru the remaining models ending with the cat.
Please update your review. I wanted to download the BOOST app to my smartphone but that isn't allowed. I called Lego Customer Service and they confirmed that. Perhaps it was possible but not any more. I will be returning my BOOST as I don't own a tablet.
On the box and in the product description it states "Tablet required but not included."

Awesome review - very informative - thx!

"To get started building and coding, kids have to download the Boost app to their iPad or Android tablets."
Maybe you need to read the article?
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