Solved! Lenovo g50-45 won’t start


Feb 23, 2021
I recently aquired from my Dad his Lenovo G50-45 laptop which had not been used for about 5 years and when I tried to charge it up the battery was completely dead. After replacing the battery and trying to start the laptop the power light comes on and after 15-20 seconds shuts off then restarts all over again in a continuous loop, the screen stays black all through this. Can anybody help?
Remove the CMOS battery from the motherboard if there is one, unplug the battery, hold in the power button for about 30 seconds. Plug in wall power only and see if system turns on after that.

It may very well be dead, laptops that sit for a while without power can have issues with the motherboards. Try a new CMOS battery also.
Remove the CMOS battery from the motherboard if there is one, unplug the battery, hold in the power button for about 30 seconds. Plug in wall power only and see if system turns on after that.

It may very well be dead, laptops that sit for a while without power can have issues with the motherboards. Try a new CMOS battery also.
Remove the CMOS battery from the motherboard if there is one, unplug the battery, hold in the power button for about 30 seconds. Plug in wall power only and see if system turns on after that.

It may very well be dead, laptops that sit for a while without power can have issues with the motherboards. Try a new CMOS battery also.

Thanks for replying.
I will try the first suggestion and hopefully that might sort the problem.
If it doesn't how easy is it to access the CMOS battery and motherboard on the Lenovo G50-45? I have heard that on some laptops it's just a case of opening the bottom of the laptop while on others it involves taking it completely to bits. If it is the latter I'm not overly confident of my ability to take it completely apart and reassemble it again.