Lenovo Laptop vs Macbook Pro


Aug 20, 2013
Hey everyone,

I have been laptop researching because I need a new main computer to use for University.

So far, it seems like my best options are either through Lenovo or just to get a MBP 15".

My budget is about $800-900 if I were to get a Windows...

I'm a pretty techy guy, will be doing some tech stuff, web development, photoshop, teamviewer, maybe VMs, and...some LoL haha. Also, better the battery the better. SSD would be appreciated but not necessary..and I need something around 14-15"

Any thoughts about Lenovo vs MBP, or laptop suggestions?

Passcode: FNDEPP


Thanks in advance.
The GPU on the Y series is a big step up (GT750 vs HD 8670). Y has 8GB RAM vs 4GB (not a huge deal, RAM is easily upgrade-able). The S only comes with a small SSD, the Y comes with a 1TB HDD and a small cache-style SSD. Y has a better battery.

The Y series is significantly better
I would suggest something like this, for that price range:


It's got a good i7, which you want for those kind of tasks, a discrete graphics card to improve performance and a caching-style SSD for snappy boots, etc. It's about $800

What about the Y-series? Would you recommend any of those over the S431?

Heck yes I would, I thought they were going to be too much for your price range, but the Y series is awesome. The 500 or the 510 are very legit and the expansion possibilities are awesome.

What's the goods and bads of those Y and S other than the heavier weight and the bigger screen for the Y series? Is Y series substantially heavier at like 6lbs LOL?

Any other suggestions around this price area?
The GPU on the Y series is a big step up (GT750 vs HD 8670). Y has 8GB RAM vs 4GB (not a huge deal, RAM is easily upgrade-able). The S only comes with a small SSD, the Y comes with a 1TB HDD and a small cache-style SSD. Y has a better battery.

The Y series is significantly better

How manageable is the weight of this thing at about 6lbs? Does it feel hunky bulky?

That's super normal for a machine with all that good stuff packed in. For sure it's not the lightest thing, but in a backpack, are you going to notice? probably not. In this case, you carry what you pay for :)

Thoughts on Y410p vs Y510p vs S431?
Any other recommendations for laptops (maybe asus?) around the $800-900 range?

To be honest, I think the thinkpads look ugly ):

and mainly I'm leaving my laptop in the rez, but I want a medium weight rig, 15", maybe around 4-5lbs haha.