Lenovo Laptop won't open


Sep 24, 2015
My lenovo laptop does a long beep when i plug it in to a charger or i plug it out. When i start it up, it does the starting up sound, but displays only a blackscreen. After a short while, the light inficator that shows the laptop is on closes then reopens with the starting up sound. I didn't drop it or do anything. Please help.

Reseat all the RAM first, remove them all then put them back in and make sure it's seated properly into each slots. The beeping sound is normally an indication of a hardware problem and in your case it could be the RAM. If that didn't solve the problem also do reseat the HDD.

Reseat all the RAM first, remove them all then put them back in and make sure it's seated properly into each slots. The beeping sound is normally an indication of a hardware problem and in your case it could be the RAM. If that didn't solve the problem also do reseat the HDD.