Lenovo Y400, best 14" gaming laptop for the money?

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Nov 15, 2012

The recently released Y400 seems to be the best deal when searching for a 14" gaming laptop in the 750-850 range.. I haven't seen an Alienware, or HP come close to the features within 300 bucks.. my personal fav is the $850 model that comes with:

i7-3630QM Processor
8 gb RAM
16gb SSD
and loaded with windows 8

the weakest part is the 1366x768 screen, but most other 14"ers have the same resolution

think you guys have seen something better ? Lemme know, Lenovo has this deal going on up until the 21st :bounce:
The problem here is your 650M card. It will only get you so far, with games. It's a good entry level class 1 card, which means it will handle your games on high settings without much of a problem, but as new games release within the next year, it'll be less able to cope. If you can spend a bit more, you can get a 1920x1080 resolution and a GTX 660M card for around $990 with the Lenovo Y580. You should consider it, because there's no point meeting the requirements for high end games and then playing them on resolutions like 1366x768. It hardly justified the experience. And the Y580 is a 15.6 inch, not a 14 inch.
It's true that your Y400 probably has the best specs in the 14 inch range, but why do you want to stick to 14 inches?
For just $150 more you get a better screen size, resolution and GPU. That's a good deal to consider. :)
Well Labrynthian, your point is valid and insight beneficial and greatly appreciated by all who take heed.. however, I do enjoy building PCs and reserve the true gaming prowess for that there stationary beast.

I really just want something that can handle SCII and its following expansions wherever I may roam without any unnecessary burden.. but I do sigh at the truth that the Y400 & Y500 are only rated for 3 hrs standalone time.. furthermore, it seems accurate to say the Y580 is a better deal than the Y500 in the 15.6" class.


For SC2, it'll be fine. You can add me if you're diamond+ as I need practice partners.

With the ultra bay you can run two 650s so it does allow for some upgrades
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