Lenovo y50 spare parts (specifically an inverter)

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Jun 7, 2017
My laptop's screen went extremely dim. Can't even see the bios screen. So lenovo tech support said it's the inverter. Problem is, my warranty expired already. So I'm looking to find the inverter so that I can replace it myself. But I can't find it anywhere. Any suggestions? Please help!

In case you're still having trouble with your screen:

1. The Y50-70 doesn't use an inverter like ThinkPads. Instead, there's an LCD cable, like this one from eBay:

This is the non-touch FHD version. The Manufacturer's Part Number is DC02001YQ00. The touch version MPN is DC02001Z700 and...
Thanks for the quick reply.

I did do a google search before posting here. It's funny because there are basically no parts for an ideapad y50-70 laptop from what I've seen. Only screens, keyboards, etc. The closest I find is an inverter for the y510 series. Will that work on mine? Or does it have to be the exact same part?
Ah... okay, I think Lenovo tech support is a bit confused.

LCD screens have one of two types of backlight; CCFL and LED. CCFL backlight uses florescent lights while LED backlight uses LEDs. To the best of my knowledge, only LCD screen with CCFL require an inverter which converts AC to DC power. LEDs uses DC power so there is no need for an inverter.

The Lenovo Y510 has a LCD screen with CCFL backlight while the newer Y50-70 has a screen with LED backlight. I think the only way to fix your problem is to replace the screen. Here is a link to such a screen.


I changed the screen and nothing changed. Don't know what else it could be.

In case you're still having trouble with your screen:

1. The Y50-70 doesn't use an inverter like ThinkPads. Instead, there's an LCD cable, like this one from eBay:

This is the non-touch FHD version. The Manufacturer's Part Number is DC02001YQ00. The touch version MPN is DC02001Z700 and available here:

You can also contact Lenovo and supply this FRU number: 5C10F78848. If your Y50 uses a UHD panel, the FRU number is 5C1078811. Please note that this component is an FRU, or Field Replacement Unit. This is IBM/Lenovo-speak for 'certified technician only'. While replacing the component isn't impossible, I recommend you consult a hardware maintenance manual, like this one:

Go to page 70 (or click '1130') for a detailed guide.

2. Alternatively, it might be a software issue relating to the BIOS or the power management app in Windows. I know you said that you can't really see anything on the screen, but if you can get a workable screen by pressing the Novo button, located to the left of the power-on button, you could select Load default settings in the BIOS menu and/or select Backflash BIOS.

Best of luck,

I forgot to come back here and answer this. I took it to a repair shop. Turns out it was the flex cable that's connected to the screen. So I ordered a new one from Amazon and installed it myself. Now it works perfectly! It's been over a month since I replaced the cable and it's working great. I think it's the hinges that probably messed it up since the lemovo y50 is known to have horrible hinges. Anyways, I'm happy to have my laptop back in working order
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