Hi,my Dear friends!I very very need your help!
I have buy Lexicon M300(Serial Nomber:L0200-4627) on Ebay.com.When Lexicon M300 was delivered to Russia to me,i have repaired the Soft knob.After that the display not work,but the Dedicated-function keys and the LEVEL LEDs has blazed.I have bang on the upper cover weak,and the display blazed,but after that he go out for ever.I have soldered the display contacts,but the display has not blazed.I think,the display need to change.
1)Please,give me the Lexicon M300 display Part Nomber.
2)Can you sell me the two Lexicon M300 displays and ship to Russia via USPS Express International only,becouse Russia accept the USPS Express International sendings only!
3)Can i use not original Lexicon M300 displays for my M300?What displays?
I very very hope for your understanding,for your help,for your fast response!
Have a nice day!!!
I have buy Lexicon M300(Serial Nomber:L0200-4627) on Ebay.com.When Lexicon M300 was delivered to Russia to me,i have repaired the Soft knob.After that the display not work,but the Dedicated-function keys and the LEVEL LEDs has blazed.I have bang on the upper cover weak,and the display blazed,but after that he go out for ever.I have soldered the display contacts,but the display has not blazed.I think,the display need to change.
1)Please,give me the Lexicon M300 display Part Nomber.
2)Can you sell me the two Lexicon M300 displays and ship to Russia via USPS Express International only,becouse Russia accept the USPS Express International sendings only!
3)Can i use not original Lexicon M300 displays for my M300?What displays?
I very very hope for your understanding,for your help,for your fast response!
Have a nice day!!!