lg 24'' led tv, how do i change picture from black and white to color with DVD player connected

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Dec 29, 2016
My daughter just got a new tv and DVD player at her dads for X'mas. She connected the DVD player with RCA (red,yellow and white) cord. The picture is in black and white. How do we change it to color.
OK, taking your words for it.

I know of not a single TV setting that turns a color TV to Black&white. Unless the color setting are all messed up. Is it B&W on normal TV? Go into the Colors settings and play with the sliders I suppose. If there is a RESET, use it, that typically turns all the settings to a factory default which should be for color viewing.

I still say your hookup is wrong.
I wager because you are using similar but different (pardon the jargon) interfaces.

Interface type COMPONENT: This is a 5 cables connection, 3 for video, 2 for audio.
Typical plugs colors, Red, Green, Blue + Red, White.

Interface type COMPOSITE: This is a 3 cables connection, 1 for video, 2 for audio.
Typical plugs colors, Yellow, Red, White.

Component is the desired connection of the 2, is suitable for HD, Composite is not.

You should NOT hookup Component to Composite (even though the plugs look the same).
Actually we have the RCA (red, white and yellow) cords hooked up correctly. There is something with the tv that needs to be changed but I don't know what that us or how to do it.
OK, taking your words for it.

I know of not a single TV setting that turns a color TV to Black&white. Unless the color setting are all messed up. Is it B&W on normal TV? Go into the Colors settings and play with the sliders I suppose. If there is a RESET, use it, that typically turns all the settings to a factory default which should be for color viewing.

I still say your hookup is wrong.

I can tell you that it's not the way your TV is hooked up to DVD player. We have three of these TVs, one for each teen-ager. No cable, just a DVD player. They have been working fine for over a year. All of a sudden, yesterday, all 3 went B/W. I've changed all the connections, messed with sliders, etc. Nothing has fixed it.
It's crazy, but I just switched the input from Component to Composite, and it changed to color. After 2 years of being fine the other way. Give the TV a few seconds to respond after you switch to Composite. I was not waiting long enough yesterday when I tried that.
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