Solved! LG Q6 in boot loop with a small pop up window/screen after hard reset

Oct 31, 2023
I have a LG Q6 android phone. Yesterday I decided to hard reset my phone. Then when I did that, the phone first displayed a screen containing Erasing and then the restarting process keeps happening again and again. The process won't stop and I noticed that during this process a kind of pop up window appeared for a very small time and then disappeared. This whole process is shown in the below linked video I made.

As you can see in the window after the LG logo, it seems a window pops up and then the whole restarting process starts again. This keeps happening and won't stop.
How can I fix this? Note also that when I tried to connect the phone with my laptop and then tried to use LG Switch, it says that MTP is not enabled. But since the phone doesn't even boot up, I am not able to change the mode to MTP mode.

Is there a way to get out of this boot loop?

Note in the above video, the pop up wind appears/disappears 2 times.
I have solved the problem by going into download mode and then updating/flashing the phone to the next android version.