Listen to yourself though Headset?


May 19, 2014
I'm going to buy a Headset for my gaming PC, but I've held off them as I don't want to shout when wearing them.
Is there anyway to like have no-latency feedback when speaking, as I want to have this 'setting' on all the time.
Basically mimicking if you didn't even wear them.

Also, if possible recommend me some cheap 5.1 or 7.1 surround sound headphones.
I found these on eBay

Isn't hearing yourself not a problem from your headset but from the person you're speaking to? The sound is really close to that persons microphone which causes you hearing yourself through someone else his microphone. That's usually the cause of hearing our own voice afterwards in our Teamspeak sessions.


Sorry, I don't really understand what you mean.
I just want to hear myself when speaking. The rest isn't a problem.
All I want to do is hear myself when speaking though the microphone with no latency (or delay) so it doesn't sound like a echo.

Not sure how Teamspeak ties into this. ;P