Living with Windows 10: The Best and Worst So Far

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I must admit that I have been using the TP since it came out and it has only gotten better, from the beginning it has been everything thing we wanted windows 8 to be. It also since the latest build, been significantly improved. I only wished that some of my programs would recognize it and work properly, but that is half the fun running beta software.
No Sale - still sticking to my old copy of Windows XP until somebody builds an OS that I actually *want* to install instead of one I am *told* will be great but actually isn't.
Ok. So, author gets several things wrong.. Windows 8/8.1 didn't hide search in the charms.. You just hit windows key and start typing (like Windows 7).. Second, web search can be disabled in search. It's a benefit if you want it but turn it off if you don't want it.. Start menu is customizable but it's also buggy right now.. You can add folders and customize that list, so author is wrong about that too. You can also pin whatever apps you want to the taskbar and to the start screen.. So... Complaining for complaints sake is just childish..

Anyways.. Complain away... Directx 12 is Windows 10.. You want it?..You'll upgrade..

It's free..Like.. free..

I will surely disable Cortana on my PC. It's too slow and doesn't always work well. I am happy with Braina assistant. Will have to check how Cortana performs in the final release. But now Braina is clearly a winner with big margin.
Thanks for your comments. Regarding Cortana, I have used it on Windows Phone 8.1 a few times and seen that it can do conversation there; however, it is not doing conversation (follow-up questions) on Windows 10 right now. Perhaps it will get better by launch, but it's not working now.
Thats interesting. Cortana had Conversational Search before Google did. Maybe you aren't using it right?

The author clearly has no experience with Cortana outside of the Windows 10 tech preview. On Windows Phone Cortana has fielded follow-up questions just fine, and probably for longer than Siri or Google Now. It seems to me that it just isn't completely functional in the tech preview.

In fact I just tested the EXACT example given on a WP device and it answered me perfectly.

And this is an article about Windows 10, so your point is?

Faster boot time, don't care.
Window snap, don't care.
Virtual desktops, handy things. Enough to upgrade from Windows 7? Maybe. But...

Where's the earth shattering Kaboom? There's supposed to be an earth shattering Kaboom!
That theme, people that theme. Or rather the lack of a freaking theme. Every single designer at Microsoft in charge of the theme design should get fired immediately and then tied and have his /her throat cut. THAT THEME. It's coming from Windows 95, this is 2 0 1 5, for G O D's sake. 98->XP->Vista...and then it all went to hell. Dumb Microsoft.
Does windows 10's explorer fully support file paths longer than 255 characters? Is the battery meter for laptops any different, maybe it'll display battery wear, voltage, load?
Able to see hard drive SMART report without 3rd party tools?
Yeah, I'm going to linux. I don't have a touch screen monitor, nor the desire to touch my 23" monitor. Thanks windows, but you lost me for good. R.I.P.

You are literally too stupid to insult. Seeing as both Win 8.1 and Win 10 are both pulling the emphasis back to keyboard and adding voice control which doesn't require fingers touching anything apart from your own plonker.
I would be happy if Microsoft delayed Windows 10 to get it right. If they botch this due to deadlines it could be game over for Windows. Please, take your time and don't 'Ballmer' this one for Pete's sake.
reviews of anything BETA are worthless. the end product will be 50-90% not what the beta is.
anybody that played the diablo3 beta and the current version.....yaaaaaaaaa.
how's that windows 8 oh wait 8.1 ('cuz 8.0 is BETA)
It is beta software. So it has bugs. So don't complain. Send details to the insider program.

If you can't cope with bugs, leave the insider program.

Give me strength.
"Game support will not come until the final release..."

I'm gaming now on Windows 10. I had a couple issues which mysteriously disappeared (like really low FPS in Crysis 2). For "GFWL" titles I simply went to the official website and installed the Gaming For Windows Live application and things worked fine.

Tried about 40 games and I think they all work now. Most were on Steam and I simply linked to the SAME folders used for Windows 8. Only issue was save games of course and I could have copied but I was just testing.

GTX680 with latest NVidia W10 drivers working just fine. I even ran a few BENCHMARKS and got slightly higher scores but the very small difference is probably due to fewer programs installed.
I haven't had many issues with the Windows 10 Preview that I've been running full time as my main OS for the past 2 months. Firefox would occasionally go to a black screen but I think thats been fixed since I havent seen that happen in 3 weeks or so. The start menu can be a bit buggy and it will sometimes just forget about some folder entries, but then i just search for it so its not the biggest deal in the world, just a little annoying. In general its faster than Windows 7 was on my machine ( FX 8320 @4.4, 8GB Ram, 180 GB corsair SSD, Radeon 7870LE). and most of my applications worked just fine after the upgrade (I had to reinstall and tweak the Cisco VPN client and VirtualBox, but both of those have always been a bit buggy no matter the OS). All in all I'm pretty satisfied with me move, its nothing earth shattering, but it moves me past Windows 7, gives me a bit of future proofing, and addresses several of Windows 8 weaknesses.
Absolutely ridiculous what they are doing to windows. 8 was a flop and 10 will be as well, and for the same exact reasons. If I want a touchscreen operating system, or a touchscreen device period, I'll buy a tablet or smartphone that comes with a touchscreen OS. Get it through your thick skulls Microsoft, DESKTOP users DON'T want a touchscreen OS!!!! It is WASTED RESOURCES and absolutely nothing more! We DON'T need your crappy, no options, no customization, no user control dumbphone apps on our desktops and we don't want to expend the extra resources to support them!!!

Why, why, ohhhh WHY can't they just make a desktop OS and a touchscreen OS, separately??? Is it really that difficult? No, of course not, but nobody knows what Microsoft's agenda really is. To me it seems like they're trying to kill the desktop by killing the desktop's OS.

Vote with your wallets, people. We already know Microsoft will force new computer OEMs to sell Windows 10 with their computers, so it's up to us the people to vote with our wallets. I will DEFINITELY NOT be buying Windows 10, I won't even be pirating it. I'm sticking with Windows 7 until Microsoft gets their heads out of their asses and gives us a real desktop OS. DX 12 etc etc and whatever features they try to sell can go straight back up the asses they came out of.
Yeah, I'm going to linux. I don't have a touch screen monitor, nor the desire to touch my 23" monitor. Thanks windows, but you lost me for good. R.I.P.

Right with you, buddy. They can take Windows 8, 8.1, and 10 and shove them you know where. I'll be using 7 until they release a real operating system for desktop users and stop trying to sell us what we don't NEED, let alone want.
I'm ruinning windows 10 TP on a primary hdd partition it's the daily driver here fixed a couple of bugs in 10041 (fast update) it's fine now . W10 has better navigation and all kinds of other stuff than it's predecessors including virtual desktops and a better task view

Depreciated Disk Mark and Memory Mark scores in Pass Mark as opposed to win 7 and 8.1 are concerning although it still feels pretty snappy all in all.

File explorer navigation is better and search is decently fast but could be faster the new NT 10 kernel is more efficient than the NT 6x kernels in win 7 and 8 and W10 renders text much cleaner and boots and wakes fast lot's of upside potential .
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