Logitech g633 or the Cloud flights?

Jun 23, 2018
I use ps4 most of the time but sometimes pc as well. I can't find which has better audio quality, comfort and directional audio etc. The flights are wireless which is cool but I also really like the simultaneous dual audio input on the logitechs.

Which do you think has better audio and which do you guys suggest?

Cheers. Please don't recommend any other headphones :)
Not a RGB fan but it's on your head xD, okay for the Logitech you need to use it on PC inorder to get the 7.1 surround sound it's quite usual for Logitech product every product of their usually uses their software , if you are just using the PS4 then hyperx will be better. Both are running 20 Hz to 20 kHz frequency response so it's all depends on you. I'm a more of a analog person wired ftw xD
You mean Logitech 933?
I'm not sure but I would recommend the Steelseries arctis 7 xD hahaha.
But hyperx cloud will be better looking too and mic is removable battery life hyper x is better, for Logitech usually uses a program inorder to use their surround sound.

Yeah I meant 933 sorry. The arctis looks good but is an extra 80nzd (20% more practicly) so yeah, 933 or Flight lol.

The 933 has a cool fold away mic that completely disappears which is nice and RGB haha
Not a RGB fan but it's on your head xD, okay for the Logitech you need to use it on PC inorder to get the 7.1 surround sound it's quite usual for Logitech product every product of their usually uses their software , if you are just using the PS4 then hyperx will be better. Both are running 20 Hz to 20 kHz frequency response so it's all depends on you. I'm a more of a analog person wired ftw xD