Logitech Z 2300 V/S Altech Lansing 5021


Dec 13, 2008

Which one is better Altech Lansing 5021 or Logitech Z 2300. I am planning to buy but confused with these two. I heard the sound of Altech Lansing 5021 which is exccellent but at present it is not available in the marked whereas another THX certified is Logitech Z 2300 but not aware abt it's quality.

Can anyone guide Me which is better and having more output. Also is their any shope in Mumbai from where I can buy these two.

Thanks in Advance.
If You've these two as your choices and one of them is not available, then i guess the buying decision becomes obvious.. I personally own the Altec Lansing MX5021 and they are excellent for the price they quote.. The Logitech Z-2300 is equally good with a whooping 200 watts RMS power rating which makes it better compared to the 5021 in games especially.. I hope you've a big enough room as my 8 x 6 (48) sq. ft. room feel small for me to crank up my 5021's anywhere near 70% of the available power (i run my system debault sound to 80%)..
Altec Lansing 5021s will run in circles around the Z-2300.

The THX "multmedia" certification doesn't mean squat. It has meaning in the home audio sector regarding A/V receivers, processors, and loudspeakers, which actually require performance goals. The only relevant THX certifications are "THX Select" and "THX Ultra". THX multimedia is nothing more than a marketing tool that gets sold to PC speaker makers.

So can I go ahead and buy logitech Z 2300 b4 it disappears from the mkt because Altec Lansing MX 5021 is not available any where.
If You've these two as your choices and one of them is not available, then i guess the buying decision becomes obvious.. I personally own the Altec Lansing MX5021 and they are excellent for the price they quote.. The Logitech Z-2300 is equally good with a whooping 200 watts RMS power rating which makes it better compared to the 5021 in games especially.. I hope you've a big enough room as my 8 x 6 (48) sq. ft. room feel small for me to crank up my 5021's anywhere near 70% of the available power (i run my system debault sound to 80%)..

Hi :hello: Emperus,

Thanks a lot for your kind reply.

Actually I m having a Creative AS 3000 2.1 channel speaker but was not aware of it's sound quality and it is worst :fou:

One day I visited My frnds house with My uncle and their he is having ALTECH LANSING MX 5021 2.1 Channel speaker. He played ENIGMA's "MEA CULPA" Song and OH!!! My god the sound was so xxxxxxxxccccccellent and clear and bass was so powerful tht actually I felt the thumping and punching effect strait to My stomach. I just thought such a small speaker and such a powerful sound output and was not able to sight a subwoofer. Then he showed Me where he kept a subwoofer and really very much impressed with it's design. My uncle was planning to buy a SONY HI-FI System and after listenning to this sound he said forget abt hi-fi system tell Me abt this speaker. This spaker is really worth buying.

Then I watched AVATAR in High Defination 44 GB movie and oh!!! again crystal clear sound felt like there is no need to go to theatre for movie. Sound which I was looking for was mathced with My liking and immediately I started looking for this speaker system. But unfortunately it was not available in the market 🙁 Even I contacted their authorised distributors in Mumbai but even they said it's discontinued from the mkt 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁

Then My friend suggested Me Logitech Z 2300 and said even this will give the same sound output which ALTECH gives and fortunately it is available in the mkt but still I hv not heard it personally and ALTECH made tht position in My Mind. I hope u can understand My position.

Pardon Me for this lengthy explanation but My last query to you is whether Logitech Z 2300 will give the same sound out and bass which Altech Lansing MX 5021 gives bcoz I m a bass lover and normally I watch movies, play games and ofcourse music too. Later on It shld not happened tht I buy this speaker system and to repent.

Thanks a lot Emperus :bounce: for a your kind and valuable advise.

Most probably I'll b buying this system next week.