Logitech Z-2300


Nov 12, 2010
Was looking into getting a new sound system and over a few days the Logitech Z-2300 sound system seems to be the best deal that i can see. Only question is if there are any better systems out there for the same price, and if the cheapest I can get these is $100 +? Im getting a new video card and a new 42 inch plasma and have a 500 dollar speeding ticket to pay off so kind of bogged down on money at the moment especially since i work for minimum wage. Anyways ya back to the point of the price at 100+ and performance comparison, personally love the reviews of the bass and i really love bass like no other.
Well i sppose ill get the z 2300s so far there are things that are a bit clearer that iv found, but nothing can compete with the bass in the system at that price range. I like the boom not necessarily the clarity of the boom, I like the feeling when ur sub hits and it just shakes the place, as compared to being able to actually hear the crispness of the boom.
For your budget, the Z2300's will be plenty good.. The bass is excellent.. Also, the audio quality/clarity is decent and does not sound compromised even at high pitches.. All in all, there are better solutions obviously but at that price, its a keeper.. Btw, 500$ speeding ticket.! What were you driving.? Did you break the sound barrier.?
Do you know of any subs for home theaters, just the sub. For around 200 that has hard hitting bass? I have a 12x 13 room and i want everyhwrer in my room to feel as if u had ur own personal massager lmfao

Get the Z-2300! The bass amazing! You might get cleaner bass from the Sony but you won't get that same powerful thud which sends shock waves through the floor. Don't get the z 623.