I posted a comment to you earlier about which sound card to use and my choice was Creative X Fi Extreme Gamer fatal1ty Pro Series..Now just lately i changed from Analog and went on line and bought the Dolby Digital Live DTS Pack for real cheap and man what a boost in quality sound in Analog your system is only playing in 1.3 you only get action from the sub the center speaker plus the two front..mind you ..you get sound from the back speaker but theres no action like cross over sound meaning no 5.1 at all..But now its amazing its true 5.1 now i get cross over action from side to side or corner front right to back left true 5.1 and now im using all the features my sound card and sound system has to offer..I should have done this long time ago so if you have the Z-5500's like i do dont go Anolog its a total waste