Logitech Z2300 Subwoofer/Speakers No Sound


May 24, 2017
Hello all.

First time reader/poster but I am having problems with an older Sub. for a year or so it has been in my closet, but to the best of my memory there was no problem with it last time it was stored.

Its the Logitech z2300, I got it for free years ago from a friend who was moving. I took it because even though it was just 2.1 I thought the Sub seemed huge.

I tried hooking it up the other day to various computer with no luck, no sound from the sub, or from the 2.1 speakers.

I have taken a photo of the board inside the sub, I personally do not see any blatant problems but someone with better knowledge may see something I do not.

Feel free to ask for anymore info or more pictures.



Is there a way to tell if it has gone bad? What type/size fuse is it?


You should be able to see a break in the wire in the fuse if it's bad. You can also see what type of fuse on the old one, it will be marked.
Damn best I can tel the fuse looks fine. Also I am noticing that there is a humming noise in a low frequency when I turn on the sub and plug it in.

Edit - Just learned its a "slow blow" fuse and apparently they are hard and sometimes impossible to see if they have blown/gone bad. So today I will replace it and report back,