Logitech z906 audio cable?


Jan 17, 2014
I am buying Logitech z906 sound system and i have question about the best cable solution for my system. I am planning to connect z906 on my lg 42LN575s smart TV using SPDIF (optic cable) for the best quality of sound if i am correct. I want to mount my speakers around the room for best DTS sound experience. So ill need min 8m of cable per speaker (i mean on farest rear speakers). Thats is pretty long distance for sound to travel and i am worrying that ill have sound delays becouse of that. I dont have previous experience with audio cables so i was reading through forums on this page and i see that its all about how manny guages cable have(16,18,20,22 etc...) So i want to hear some sugesstions if anyone have but not high expensive. Thank You!
well... if you read the specs on the z906 the two rear speakers appear to have 25ft (a little less than 8m) cable length for the rears while the sizes and center are shorter. if you can work it in then it will work perfectly (no modding to extend the reach)

if not... then speaker delay might become an issue. i dont have a set so i cant say if they come with a mic for calculating delay though i wouldnt thnk so since they come with pre-cut cables.

if you need custom lengths its best to go elsewhere.

if you raise your budget or find some good sales there is an excellent set you can buy for just a bit more

the energy take classic 5.1 (retail $350... perhaps you can find cheaper?) which has all 5 speakers and a sub. you just need to buy...
not sure if the z906 can calculate speaker delay or not. i know if connected to a pc it can but not sure if it will when connected to the tv.

if it doesnt allow you to calculate delay you could just use all the same length cables and just coil the excess under the floor.

those speakers arent very power hungry. lighter gauge wire should work. in general speakers use 16 though sometimes 18

see if you can find how many ohm resistance the speakers are then look at the chart on this page http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speaker_wire that will tell you what wire you need based on your max foot distance.

if you will be using this sound system for your computer and not for your tv (ie for cable, dvd player, whathaveyou) then i'd connect up to the pc so you can use sound delay settings. post what you're planning on doing.
maybe z906 is bad choice for my tv? do you suggest beter ones in the same price range? and one other thing, same leght cable for all speakers is good idea, do people usualy do that?
well... if you read the specs on the z906 the two rear speakers appear to have 25ft (a little less than 8m) cable length for the rears while the sizes and center are shorter. if you can work it in then it will work perfectly (no modding to extend the reach)

if not... then speaker delay might become an issue. i dont have a set so i cant say if they come with a mic for calculating delay though i wouldnt thnk so since they come with pre-cut cables.

if you need custom lengths its best to go elsewhere.

if you raise your budget or find some good sales there is an excellent set you can buy for just a bit more

the energy take classic 5.1 (retail $350... perhaps you can find cheaper?) which has all 5 speakers and a sub. you just need to buy a receiver capable of 5.1 (typically $150-200) and speaker wire.

if you are hooking up to a tv and not a pc this may be better than trying to work in a set. with preset cable lengths. a receiver would allow you to auto calculate speaker delay so your cables can be any length. you can make them all 8m.... some 10m some 8m and some 4m it doesnt matter.

it depends on how you would like to hook things up... if you absolutely need custom length cables i'd advise against the z906 and go with the other set. the energy take also likely has better sound its going to run more money in total.. but you get quite a bit more. a receiver allows multiple input sources, has a digital tuner, multiple speaker modes, etcetera.

just a thought.

i never even looked at z906 box specs. Cable lenghts are just the way i need them to be :) that is great ((Cable Length: AC 2m (6.5 ft), DSub 1.8m (6ft), speaker cable (3x 4.6m) (15ft), speaker cable 2x7.62m (25ft) )) but everybody on every forum is talking about how the older series of logitech speakers (Z5500) are the way better then this new one. So again i am in dilemma in which one to buy. But you gived me great answer and thanks for youre time. I hope we will help each other again in the future 😉
Mind if I make a comment .
It is the distance from where you sit to the speaker that affects the delay and not the cable length unless you have enormously long cables as the signal travels at the speed of light in the cable .
The physical distance from where you sit (in a straight line) to each speaker in your system should be the same.

yes, the distance you sit from the speakers has the most pronounced effect on when you need speaker delay. many hundreds of times more than the length of the cable matters. agreed. odd that i didnt think to mention it.

you are correct... you should hear no difference unless some of the cables are very short and the others are very long. however it wouldnt be the first time that i have heard of some issues with cable length. (though yes normally for large rooms). the speed of electricity is also 66-97% the speed of light in most cables (slower in coax and shielded cables, higher in bare copper wire) but i concur it is fast. this still doesnt change the fact that if the speakers are not set up exactly the same distance from one another that the op will have speaker delay issues and no way to fix them.


generally the z-5500 is considered the better of the two. it might sound a bit better but honestly neither of them is bad.

the only real issue i see is setting speaker delay however if you sit equal distances from all speakers it shouldnt be a big factor.
Yes, its realy hard to place them in correct distance around where i sit but anyway i think that z906 will do the job if i use cables i get in the box couse they are already factory syncronized. It will defenetly be better than the TV speakers.