Looking for a cheap school laptop, specific details provided


Mar 28, 2013
Hi guys, it's me again. I posted a thread couple of days ago asking about my laptop's motherboard issue and unfortunately, I think I have to get a new laptop. (http://www.tomshardware.com/answers/id-3257250/laptop-motherboard-issue.html)

I managed to clean off the corrosion and the display works now, in fact everything works however, whenever I power it on, it would last about 10 seconds before it just turns off. I have given up troubleshooting it but I still need a laptop for school, really sucks how my school requires a laptop for anything including taking exams and attending classes.

Here are the specs listed on the webpage:
I don't really understand most of these but here they are

Able to support Windows 10
2.2GHz 64-bit processor
250 GB Free Hard Disk Space
Wireless adapter must minimally support IEEE 802.11g standard (recommended to support dual-band IEEE - 802.11a/g/n standard)
Tablet is not supported in RP environment such as iPad, Samsung Tab, etc.
Currently only Microsoft Surface Pro 3 & 4 are supported.

Please do suggest me a laptop which I could get that meet these requirements. (there are some suggested laptops they listed http://www.rp.edu.sg/notebook/ but they are all at least a thousand. Only if those are the best choice would I get them.

Once again, sorry for my bad English and really thank you guys so much for helping me out. I really appreciate it.
I won't say I have a budget as a laptop is more of a necessity to me thus even if the cheapest was 2000 I would still have to fork out that amount of money somehow. I'm based in Singapore using SGD, thanks so much for your help :)
I would prefer local for the warranty but that would be too much trouble for you. Just the model and brand of it so I can easily locate it would be fine. I would probably search around for the cheapest price soon as my 2 weeks school holiday is coming soon.
Does it turn off after 10 seconds when it's plugged in, or just running off battery power? If it stays on while plugged in, there's a chance it could just be the battery, although the charging and battery circuits could also be damaged as well.
It turns off both when on battery alone, when plugged in alone and also when on battery and plugged in. The fan and everything else works thus I am unable to diagnose the problem. It is able to boot past post and into windows as well. It once managed to last until I open up google chrome and entered youtube but than it just shuts off shortly after
I wonder if that gunk might have compromised the CPU cooling in some way. Is it accessible on that laptop? If that stuff got over the motherboard, it's probably in other areas too that could be causing problems.
Thanks so much for the suggestion :), I did some researching around and found that dell probably have the best price of SGD $749 with a christmas sale. There however are 2 options which I can choose, weight and size factor aside which I cannot really be picky about that in my current situation, which do you think would serve my purpose more?

The link: http://www.dell.com/sg/p/deals/popular-laptop-deals

Based on my comparison, they both are mostly the same (http://www.dell.com/sg/p/configuration-compare.aspx?returnURL=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dell.com%2Fsg%2Fp%2Fdeals%2Fpopular-laptop-deals)
with the exception of a dedicated graphics card for the 3000, AMD Radeon™ R5 M315 2GB DDR3
and an intergated card for the 5000, Intel® HD Graphics 520.

The 5000 also has a dvd burner which I do not use while the 3000 do not.

To be more specific about what I am studying, I am studying for a design diploma thus I tend to use softwares such as photoshop, illustrator, axure, and perhaps autocad next year. I do not mind lag or any sort as I really do not have the luxury to choose but it must at least work.

here are the minimum specs I need as well:
Able to support Windows 10
2.2GHz 64-bit processor
250 GB Free Hard Disk Space
Wireless adapter must minimally support IEEE 802.11g standard (recommended to support dual-band IEEE - 802.11a/g/n standard)
Tablet is not supported in RP environment such as iPad, Samsung Tab, etc.
Currently only Microsoft Surface Pro 3 & 4 are supported.

Once again thank you so much for your time, I really appreciate it

I would probably look into it more after my exams when my school start as I have been quoted a price more expensive than buying a new laptop ...

If worse come to worse and there is nothing I can do to save the laptop, I would probably salvage as many parts as possible.