Looking for a laptop ~$850USD~$950

Evil Joker

Apr 13, 2014
Hello everyone I am looking for a laptop with the following

-i5 (4th gen or greater) HQ (Not those 2C/4T)
-FHD Display (Good TN or IPS)
-GPU 1050Ti (I have a desktop but I do enjoy playing some mid tier games)(BF1, PUBG, OW)

It's for school, as I am almost done college.

Every opinion and suggestion as crazy as it sounds is welcome IE (No iGPU and buy a dock)

Anythinh higher than $900 Has to beat the Helios 300 at $1050
BTW Lenovo y520 was my main opotion but it's $890 atm
Dell Inspiron 7567; either the $849 (i5-7300HQ & 256GB SSD) model or the $899. (i7-7700HQ & 1TB hybrid hard drive) Both have a GTX 1050 Ti and a 74Whr battery which lasts about 7 - 8 hours based on reviews for average daily use (no games).


The $849 version comes with an IPS panel screen. The $899 version has a TN panel screen (mediocre quality), but you can configure it with an IPS panel screen for $50.
