Looking for a light workstation laptop ($800-1200 CAD)


Jun 6, 2014
I'm looking for a light laptop, preferably under 3lbs. It will mostly be used for web development. Able to run a lot of processes at the same time. Examples of software I'd use are Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere Pro. Premiere not so much, as it's mostly for hobbies. But being capable of decent video editing would be great.

I've looked at a lot of different laptops online and I just can't decide the best one.

I was really interested in this laptop, but it's currently not available in Canada.


This Lenovo 710s also really stood out to me. Can anyone tell me how big of a difference in video rendering the i5-6200u and the i7-6560u would make?


The Yoga 700 also seems like a really fun option, but I'm worried about the battery life with the touch screen.


I've looked around ASUS, Dell, HP, etc. but I can't find the style, performance and price I want at any of the other brands. I think a new set of eyes could really help me out here.

Any advice/opinions are more than appreciated. Thanks!