Solved! looking for a media tablet


Feb 5, 2011
So my Samsung Galaxy Tab S 8.4 inch tablet died and I'm looking for a new one mostly for media (videos & TV shows) and checking RSS feeds in the morning. Looking like most tablets are moving towards a 4:3 aspect ratio, and I want a 16:9 or 16:10 one. I've tried a Amazon Fire 8 HD, didn't like the screen quality (too washed out and not bright enough) which was a shame cause otherwise it was a great tablet. Also tried a iPad Mini 4, but that went back because I forgot about the aspect ratio. Been looking at the Lenovo ZA1N0007US Yoga Tab 3 Plus, and Huawei + Harman Kardon MediaPad M3 8.0. Don't like how the Huawei is in portrait mode only for apps, and not 5ghz ready. Seems like it could be the one I'm looking for if it weren't for those issues and just needing a few updates.

1. Is This Your First Time Buying A Tablet? Yes / No.

2. Do you already have an operating system in mind? If so specify (iOS, Android, Windows Mobile, Windows RT, Windows 8, etc)
Android preferred, but would go with a iPad if I have to.

3. What screen size do you have in mind? And your preferred resolution (not required but helps)?
Preferably 8, but would go up to 10 if it's the right aspect ratio. Need 16:9, or 16:10.

4. Preferred Brand(s) - (ex. Microsoft, Samsung, Asus, Apple)
Don't really have one. Had a couple Samsung tablets, one Nexus 7.

5. Brands Not Preferred (specify why) (ex. Hannspree, Acer, etc.)

6. How much do you want to spend on your tablet?
$3-500 but would up my budget if it's the best tablet for me.

7. Do you have cellular service? Or do you want the tablet to be WiFi only?
WiFi only

9. Do you want the tablet to be a full laptop replacement?
I would look at the Asus ZenPad tablets.

They are good quality, no crappy touchwiz UI like on Samsung, and they come with good amount of memory to them.
I got an 8" for my daughter and it runs her games AND kodi software just fine.
That looked like a possibility till I saw the aspect ratio. How's watching movies on it? The black bars on the iPad Mini were too distracting for me. Might try out the Lenovo Yoga Tab 3 Plus and see if I like it.