i'm looking to upgrade my computer ( new entire system including audio card ) along with a headset (for gaming AND music). ive had a Siberia V2, turtle beach px21, razor carcharias and countless earphones ranging from Koss to cheap 4$ ones. the siberia V2 were the best by farrr. the problem is all these headsets ive destroyed within a year... not by rough use or not being taken care of but always a headphone just goes out =/ (i use these 10+ hours a day).
so what i am looking for is a great audio headset that won't break within a year on me. so i was looking at maybe a headphone + desktop mic setup maybe? not sure if thats better or not. looking at ATH-M50s (http
/www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA37Z12T2250) after looking at a lot of youtube videos suggested them (not sure if a sound card will help them?) and as for the mic i actually have no idea. i know nothing of mics at all.
any suggestions for headsets/phones and/or desktop microphones? should i invest into a sound card at all?
so what i am looking for is a great audio headset that won't break within a year on me. so i was looking at maybe a headphone + desktop mic setup maybe? not sure if thats better or not. looking at ATH-M50s (http

any suggestions for headsets/phones and/or desktop microphones? should i invest into a sound card at all?