Solved! looking for a robot like mindstorms

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Dec 6, 2017
hello im looking for a robot like mindstorms see i wanted to get mindstorms but they discontinued a part i needed for a project i am wanting to do so i am looking for an alternative to mindstorms

and the project this might seem odd but i want the robot to thump walls when it hears loud noises
LEGO released a new version of its Mindstorms series called EV3. Once with the new kit, the Danish company inspires the engineers of tomorrow and continue what already began with the NXT kit.

Tons of Lego projects are shared by the hobbyists on the Internet. As I see after I explore hundreds of projects, you will also see why the EV3 kit is an inevitable source of inspiration to build robots. Yes, built modular robots with bricks, sensors, and the EV3 intelligent brick. It’s probably the best prototyping platform for anyone who loves to build different things using the same parts and components.
LEGO released a new version of its Mindstorms series called EV3. Once with the new kit, the Danish company inspires the engineers of tomorrow and continue what already began with the NXT kit.

Tons of Lego projects are shared by the hobbyists on the Internet. As I see after I explore hundreds of projects, you will also see why the EV3 kit is an inevitable source of inspiration to build robots. Yes, built modular robots with bricks, sensors, and the EV3 intelligent brick. It’s probably the best prototyping platform for anyone who loves to build different things using the same parts and components.
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