Looking for cheap(ish) decent laptop to buy w/ student loan

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Feb 27, 2011
So basically the laptop I have is completely beyond saving as I have been told by numerous people that I asked to repair it and I'm off to uni next saturday so I need a laptop. I'm looking for a laptop that has decent spec but isn't too expensive seeing as though my mum doesn't really have the money to shell out as she is a single parent on a low income. My budget would be roughly £250-400 as I am willing to spend a little of my student loan on a laptop. I thought I would ask here rather than just buy one straight up from a large company because I thought you guys would know where to find bargains :D Cheers

tl;dr Need semi decent laptop , £250-400 budget (im poor), dont really want loads of software bundled with it to increase price, just laptop


Aug 24, 2010
I will say something many people may oppose /in most cases me too/ but in your case - with very limited budget it may work. There are lots of companies in UK who have yearly budget for renewing their IT base /so they completely renew their entire PC base every 2 years or so/. And they sell all this hardware very very cheap, even give it for free, because they prefer it that way, as to pay for recycling /at the end most of them finish sold in East Europe and Russia/. So, if you know what you are searching for, and you can test your hardware, you may find something pretty decent /although not completely last-generation/ for that price and even well preserver, with good care taken for.

P.S. And in top of that you'll need an external HDD to keep a backup of your important data - just in case.
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