Looking for flat screen 50in. -55in. to purchase Black Friday.

Apr 10, 2018
What I do is watch traditional TV with Comcast cable box I have xfinity X1.
I do not game or stream.
I do not have Netflix although I have Amazon Prime and will watch a movie on my laptop now and then.
I have HD.
Not sure what Amazon Fire stick is. Guessing it would enable me to watch Amazon Prime videos on a new TV.
Any suggestions on a TV for an old traditional tv guy who does not really know difference between 5K and HDR would be greatly appreciated!
I,m in Franklin TN. I have access to Best Buy, a big Mall ect...
Also want to wish a Happy Thanksgiving to all!
I think the best bang for your buck is the Vizio M55-F0. It's going on sale at Costco for $450. Walmart may also have it for that price. Besides your cable box, it will support Amazon Prime. I'm getting one on Friday.


Jul 14, 2016
I think the best bang for your buck is the Vizio M55-F0. It's going on sale at Costco for $450. Walmart may also have it for that price. Besides your cable box, it will support Amazon Prime. I'm getting one on Friday.