Looking for good speaker position for 5.1 system setup.


Jun 20, 2013
I got my living room measured out and if recorded right the width and length of the room is 186"Lx169"W. My TV sits at the very center of the room just above the fire place (Give it about 4 feet, about chest height to me). The whole wall (except above and below the windows) are completely made of stone, including a few inches of stone from he ground up that acts like seat so the fireplace isn't actually near the ground. The TV is a 50 inch so its at least a foot or more from the ceiling. I'll provide an example of the TV and window locations. I have a feeling that I was to put my speakers in the front right, front left corners and center sitting on top of the TV or on the TV's seat. Then have the 2 backs ones sitting on the back right and back left of the wall but not directly in the corner. However, my typical usage location is sitting at the center of the room while in an office/gaming chair on wheels. The speakers I'm considering using is 4 Polk T15s and a center CSii1 to go with it. I know where I want the sub-woofer to go. I'm not going to be picky about sound direction when sitting on the couch, all that matters is the center of the room.

Green = Door
Blue = Window
Purple = Picture Frame Shelf
Black = TV


Given how high the TV will be you could go to corners for the left and right fronts but lower would be better.
It would also be better if the center were as low as possible.
When you set up the receiver use the center seating position for the mic in auto setup or for distance and level settings in manual set up


Jun 20, 2013

So keep the center sitting on the TV (beneath the screen) Would the left right be better at center of the TVs height or jsut be even with the center? Same with the back, right into the corners?