Looking for headphones/headset for competive gaming. Budget around £250, maybe £300

Apr 22, 2018
Hi, I am in the market for a good pair of headphones or a headset for competitive gaming (positional audio is important as I play a lot of Rainbow Six Siege and Overwatch and am begining to play CSGO as well). Headphones or headset it doesn’t matter to me as I have an external mic anyway, I also don’t mind open back or closed back headphones. I like a more neutral sound but with slight bass reduction. If I need an amp that is fine. I would just like recommendations of what you think the best headphones/headsets are for positional audio (and a bit of music) in the £150-300 price range. I don’t mind buying used either so if a headphone/headset is in my price range when bought used include that as well. Thank you for your time and recommendations
The AKG K7XX from Massdrop or one of the K702 variants. You would need an amp. The K712 Pro is also one of the best imaging headphones around but it has a slightly boosted bass signature compared to the other AKG headphones. I don't believe it's 'bassy' though. Also needs an amp.

There's also the Philips Fidelio X2 which has exceptional soundstage and imaging but it does have a bass boosted sound signature. No amp necessary but would benefit.

The Sennheiser HD 598 is still a very solid choice for both music and gaming. I still game with mine despite having several pair of 'better' headphones. No amp necessary but they do benefit from one.

The Audio Technica ATH-A1000Z is a closed back alternative. Both soundstage and imaging are...
The AKG K7XX from Massdrop or one of the K702 variants. You would need an amp. The K712 Pro is also one of the best imaging headphones around but it has a slightly boosted bass signature compared to the other AKG headphones. I don't believe it's 'bassy' though. Also needs an amp.

There's also the Philips Fidelio X2 which has exceptional soundstage and imaging but it does have a bass boosted sound signature. No amp necessary but would benefit.

The Sennheiser HD 598 is still a very solid choice for both music and gaming. I still game with mine despite having several pair of 'better' headphones. No amp necessary but they do benefit from one.

The Audio Technica ATH-A1000Z is a closed back alternative. Both soundstage and imaging are said to be amazing for a closed headphone. They aren't bass heavy either. No amp necessary but would benefit.