Looking for new Smartphone recommendations:


May 23, 2010
Hey gents,

I'm looking for advice on which new smart phone would be the best buy for me. I don't have entirely too much time to go forum hopping for the best reviews/data on the new phones, so I'm hoping you guys can help me out.

I currently have an iPhone 3GS, looking to upgrade.

Major Uses:
1) Music (both onboard and streaming via Pandora)
2) Texting (I have large hands, so i still even have some problems texting with iPhone)
3) Email (I access work emails, pdfs, presenations from my phone)
4) Streaming media (whether it be youtube videos, brief video conferencing, etc)
5) Simple gaming via apps.

1) As mentioned above, I have large hands (12" spread!)- the larger the phone/screen, the better. I can't use small/"mini" phones.
2) Multitasking. I despise not being able to stream pandora and text or check email at the same time. I haven't downloaded 4.+ update to my 3GS yet- word is it is a battery hog.
3) Cool apps/app creation software/streaming media. I know a phone coming out soon has awesome app creation software available (or available soon), but I can't remember which one.

Based on the above, which phone would you guys recommend? I know HP is coming out with some tablet/phone things in the near future- I might even wait to purchase those (if recommended). Again, I like the feel of larger phones, and the bigger the screen, the better- hence mentioning the 5.6"+ tablets that HP is making with phone capabilities.

Thank you!
I personally dont like touch screens and am looking to sell my htc to go back to a simple nokia. I prefer texting with a simple standard keypad, so nokia N86 is my next phone.

As for a recommendation for you, Id suggest a Motorola Droid X or Evo 4. Google both and just view the videos. Going by your personal like of a big screen, I think the Droid X would be best for you. Enjoy