Looking for new Speakers

of those two i get the wharfdale one...

however since I use my speakers entirely for music (just about) I instead went 2.0 route right now I have a late 80s vintage Kenwood KR-V106R driving a similar vintage set of JBL J2050 speaker and also I have a Set of DCM Timeframe TF-250's being driven by a 135WPC TOTL Pioneer VSX-D1S


I got this stuff second hand

my kenwood cost me $20 and the JBL speakers I paid $40 for (both of these are in excellent shape)

the Pioneer VSX-D1S I bought for $40~ and the DCM Timeframe TF-250's cost $20

of course pricing and what is available used may vary widely but still if you want speakers for music and you have the room for the receiver /amp and...
of those two i get the wharfdale one...

however since I use my speakers entirely for music (just about) I instead went 2.0 route right now I have a late 80s vintage Kenwood KR-V106R driving a similar vintage set of JBL J2050 speaker and also I have a Set of DCM Timeframe TF-250's being driven by a 135WPC TOTL Pioneer VSX-D1S


I got this stuff second hand

my kenwood cost me $20 and the JBL speakers I paid $40 for (both of these are in excellent shape)

the Pioneer VSX-D1S I bought for $40~ and the DCM Timeframe TF-250's cost $20

of course pricing and what is available used may vary widely but still if you want speakers for music and you have the room for the receiver /amp and speakers...used stereo equipment can be a very nice way to get some really great sound.

since I don't really watch movies on my pc and I game with headphones personally I had no use for 5.1 .... if you do that is fine too just tossing it out there.

there are a ton of other ways to go also

t-amp + bookshelf / Powered monitors...

True. ok, 5.1 for movies, 21 for music. I'll take note.